Pando Love

Pando Love

Monday, December 16, 2013

I wrote in June that my ANA test came back positive but never got into it anymore about it.  I finally made it to the Rheumatologist and she ran more tests.  One other test for Lupus came back positive but nothing other than that.  I have many of the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis and Lupus so she is treating me with a medication for both.  It's called Methotrexate and it is an immunosuppressant and is also a chemo therapy used to treat cancer patients.  Any way.  I'm pretty sure it's the Psoriatic Arthritis as it fits.  I went back to my regular Dr. last week and she increased it to hopefully help with the pain and swelling.  I pretty much use a cane all the time when I'm out and about.  Hopefully the meds will help now.  The Lord has allowed me to deal with this and I will serve Him no matter what.