Pando Love

Pando Love

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Growing Up!

Malakhi is growing up so fast! I took him too the Dr. the other day for his 2 year appt. He was looking at a book when Dr. Cuni came in and Khi pointed to the duck and said "duck." Dr. Cuni said "yes, duck." Malakhi then turned the page, pointed to a bird, and said "duck." Dr. Cuni said. "Actually I think that's a bird." "NO DUCK!" Says Malakhi. Then...Dr. Cuni is using the light to look in his eyes and Khi points to his ears and says "NO EARS!" She said "yes that is your ear" I said "no he wants you to look at his ears."

There are so many things he is learning to do now. He tells me what he wants to watch on TV. I'm not allowed to put anything on unless he says it's ok. How cute.

Mateo is getting bigger now too. He's scooting and sitting and wanting to crawl. I'm sure he will be mobile in no time. His toes have become his pacifier. lol

As for me, I'm loving being a stay at home mom. It's incredible! I wouldn't trade if for the world!

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