Pando Love

Pando Love

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beginning the Blog

Well, here we start I suppose. I never thought I would have a blog. Now that I have some time being on bedrest, I figured I might as well have one to keep people posted. Here is a little about our family. I (Becky) am married to Lonnie who is a wonderful man. We started courting after he asked my dad's permission on August 26, 2001. He asked me while we were watching a friend be baptized at the beach. It was so romantic. Then Christmas Eve 2002 he asked me to marry him in front of most of his family and my immediate family and of course I said yes. We were married on June 7, 2003 in a beautiful ceremony. We finally decided to have children in January of 06. We got pregnant with our first baby who I miscarried on February 22nd. We then found out in July we were pregnant again but also miscarried that baby on August 16th. Then in October, I found out we were pregnant again. I got on progesterone medication and carried our precious son Malakhi to full term. He was born on June 20th 2007 at 6:03pm. He weighed in at 6lbs 2oz and 18 inches long. He is such a joy to our lives. Then on May 13, 2008 we discovered we were expecting again were so happy. We found out we are having another boy due on February 21, 2009.

As of right now, I went into preterm labor on Jan 6th. The staff at the hospital were able to stop my labor or at least slow it down so now here I sit on bedrest waiting to see what the dr. says tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to doing this if I can only remember how to get in and update this. HA.

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