Pando Love

Pando Love

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

lighter post

OK, onto a lighter post. I love listening to other people talk. One person is trying to say one thing while the other is thinking they mean something else. I'm sitting here listening knowing exactly what each person is talking about and they are going back and forth in this conversation trying to figure out what eachother are talking about. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weight Loss Part 3 or 4

Ok. VERY frustrated. I'm not losing weight. I've been doing this for 4 weeks now. I just got really serious about it a week ago but have still not lost any weight. I'm doing 20 minutes of circuit training with jillian michaels on the 30 day shred and still nothing! I'm also swimming, walking and using biggest loser video game. UUUGGGGG!!!!!!!! I am still at 224! When will I see results???? I just don't understand. I've also lowered my calorie intake to 1600 calories. I'm trying hard. I'm going to try harder I guess. Lord, give me the strength to get my life back in order.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Okay just a vent to say I'm getting very discouraged. I've only lost a few pounds since I started this diet and I'm so sad. I tried so hard. I'm not giving up I'm pushing harder. I just want to see results!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Exercise Update 7/21/10

So Monday I got the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. Wow what a work out. So on Monday I went swimming for an hour which most was actually swimming and exercising and the rest was chasing the kids around the pool. Then came home and did 30 Day Shred and then my biggest loser challenge. Tuesday I went for a morning walk for 20 minutes with Lonnie, did 30 Day Shred and Biggest Loser. Today I have done 30 Day Shred and am going to do more abs and then do some of the Biggest Loser a little later. I can't report any more weight loss at this time I am sorry to say which is why I have changed tactics. I'm also counting calories thanks to my calorie counter app on my phone. I have however lost 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks so I hope I lose a whole lot more very soon. I just keep trying.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weight Loss Part 2

Ok so I had my weigh in on Monday and I "gained" weight again. :( I'm so sad. I'm back up to 225. I know weight fluctuates but I've been trying so very hard. I almost didn't write in here but I knew I had to or I would completely give up. It's not my goal to give up. I need to keep pushing. I can lose weight and get healthier. I can.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weight Loss Part I


Ok on Tuesday, June 29th I again started to exercise with The Biggest Loser video game for Wii. I love it. I had been using it and stopped after 1.5 weeks. I also gained about 20 pounds during the time which I stopped. I don't know what I did other than just not be active and I was semi anxious. I'm so excited to start again.

On the 29th I weighed in at 226 which was up about 20 pounds from right after I had Mateo. On Thursday July 1st I weighed again and actually gained 3lbs. I was so upset so I was up to 229. Monday July 5th I had another weigh in and I weighed 227. I went down. Today which was not a true weigh in just me being curious I weighed and am at 224! I'm so happy. It's not much but I'm down 2lbs from when I started. I want to lose more weight so bad. I'm trying to lose 40-50lbs by the end of summer. This is just my journal as I go along.

I try to work 30-60 minutes a day. I'm also counting calories which isn't fun but it is helping. I've noticed a difference in the way my legs look and a little around the middle. I even started doing sit-ups today using Malakhi to sit on my feet.