Pando Love

Pando Love

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Here I am back again.  Not much to say in general.  Just trying to get back into the habit of blogging.

A while back I had put I was going to write about my walk with God.  I haven't been doing that at all.  Well, It's getting better.  I've been having daily devotions.  I'm doing a daily devotion about parenting and another Chronological read through the bible program. I am currently in Deuteronomy which is a good book.

Wow, this is sounding boring for today.  The kids are napping and Teo has been coughing all day so I'm praying the Lord heals him quickly.  Khi will be 6 a week from today.  I can't believe it.  He is such a handsome young man.

Met up with a good friend for lunch today and I needed it so bad.  I love visiting with her and getting to pray with her.  She always knows how to encourage me.

I need to exercise but have gotten out of the habit and ugh...i'm just making up excuses.

Well, I'm done blabbing my day.  Hope all your days are blessed, even though I only have 3 people that read my blog. lol

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