Pando Love

Pando Love

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Well, I guess it's been a while since I posted.  I've had a lot going on.

 Mateo's diagnosis' have changed from Autism, to Sensory Processing Disorder, to Apraxia, to PDD-NOS, and we are still waiting to find out more and if he will qualify for services through the school district.  We have an IEP scheduled for May 9th. 

Malakhi will be starting school in August.  We are trying to get all the paperwork filled out to mail in.  I can't believe how big he is getting so fast.

Lonnie is graduating from MSJC on May 31st!  I'm so proud of him.  He's now playing on the worship team at church for main, youth, and mens.

I am singing with the childrens worship team and loving it.  I waited a while before jumping into ministry because I didn't know where the Lord wanted me.

I went to a new Dr today.  I've been having a lot of pain and fatigue.  My last Dr. told me it's because I have young kids and I couldn't swallow that.  After seeing my new Dr, she said she has young kids and she doesn't feel this way so she is running tests.  She is test to look for autoimmune disorders.  If something shows up they will know how to treat it.  If nothing shows up, it is probably Fibromyalgia and will be able to treat that.  I'm glad to finally be getting some answers.  I have to wait till May 25th for my next appt to go over the results.  I wish it was sooner but it's all good and God is in control! 

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