Pando Love

Pando Love

Monday, April 30, 2012

Today seems to be going much better.  Yesterday was a rough day with pain and then childrens church was rough dancing around but I made it through.  I slept decently last night.  I have some pain today but not as bad as the last several days.  I'm doing some laundry and trying to get stuff done around the house.

Last nigh Malakhi and I had a long talk that let do him asking me if we could pray to ask Jesus into his heart!  What a blessing!  Lonnie and I prayed with him.  He's only 4 so I don't know if he truly understands but when we asked him why he wanted to pray for that and to explain what he wanted to do he seemed to understand the concept.  I'm praying for him as he grows in the Lord and praying I can be the example the Lord wants me to be to him.

I did a devotional this morning, I tried to understand it but my brain fog is getting to me today.  I know that it was about God's grace.  I think I need to try to read it again in a little bit when the kids are in bed.

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